Book Launch: “Our Daily Lives” – by Sanda Golopentia

Readings from “Our Daily Lives” with the author Sanda Golopentia and English language translator Lidia Bradley followed by Q&A with Lidia Bradley, Sanda Golopentia, and Constantin Eretescu

February 29th 5 pm

Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont, MA.


Cartea cuprinde rapoartele agentilor de securitate, scrise timp de 129 de zile in 1948, 1949, si 1950, pe parcursul urmaririi tatalui autoarei, sociologul Anton Golopentia, ca si transcierile convorbirilor telefonice din acea perioada din casa lor. Mai cuprinde si declaratiile lui Anton Golopentia din timpul anchetelor, si de asemenea file de memorii. Cartea arunca o privire asupra istoriei Romaniei dupa cel de al 2-lea razboi mondial, in special asupra inceputului comunismului si represiunilor politice din Romania. In luna februarie a acestui an, cartea a ajuns deja pe rafturile marilor universitati americane, fiind apreciata ca un material de referinta de studenti, profesori, si cercetatori.

This book contains all the reports written during 129 days in 1948, 1949, and 1950 by the secret police agents of the Securitate charged with the surveillance of the author’s father, sociologist Anton Golopentia, as well as all the transcriptions of the phone conversations in their house at that time. It also brings together some of Golopentia’s declarations later on, while investigated as a detained witness, and personal memories. The book provides insights into post-WWII Eastern European history, particularly the beginning of the communist regime and political repression in Romania, and will be useful to researchers (historians, psychologists, anthropologists, and literary specialists), as well as professors and students in universities and schools.