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Campanie de Fundraising / AR-NE Goes Digital Fundraising

Dear all,

The Association of Romanians in New England (AR-NE) invites you all to make a contribution for our goal in digitizing the content of our non-profit organization. With your support, AR-NE will receive a $2,500.00 grant from Mass Cultural Council to digitize its future events.

Mass Cultural Council funds reach every community in the Commonwealth. Its mission is to promote excellence, education, access and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences, to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and contribute to the vitality of our communities and economy.


This grant from Mass Cultural Council ( signifies that AR-NE will provide notable public value through its programs, services, and events such as book launchings, theatrical performances, local business fairs, film presentations, concerts, or Romanian traditional folk dances, music, and food with local artists or guests from Romania. AR-NE is leading the way in the New England area by promoting Romanian cultural events since 2010. Please check our past and current activities at, join our Facebook Page Asociatia Romanilor din New England and follow us on Instagram or YouTube.

By sharing these events with you, we will continue to promote the Romanian cultural heritage directly to hundreds of people in the area or on the Internet to a wider audience. 

Thank you for being a special part of this fundraising event and for your commitment to the Romanian community.

Every dollar raised will help us capture and preserve our events digitally. 

We will ensure that our materials will  have high quality for image and sound because Romanian events and American public (with or without Romanian roots) deserve best performances in terms of image to be shared.

Your donation and what it used for AR-NE Studio equipment

Digital stills and video camera





Data storage

Editing software

Zoom subscription

Administration fees

Any amount over the  goal listed will allow us to get higher quality equipment or help for professional services (editing).

Please support the mission of AR-NE to advance the awareness of Romanian culture and to promote our rich traditions in the New England Area and beyond.  

You’ll automatically receive an email  receipt from GoFundMe Charity that meets the IRS requirements. The entire donation is tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. 

AR-NE (Association of Romanians in New England) is a 501c3 tax exempt non-profit, classified as a public charity by the IRS. 

EIN of AR-NE is 27-3679526

Be sure to  save or print the email for your tax records.

AR-NE Team 

Board of Directors and Volunteers

AR-NE Goes Digital GoFundMe

Dragi prieteni, 

La link-ul de mai sus puteti contribui o suma pentru a sustine AR-NE in efortul de a crea o platofma digitala pentru evenimentele noastre viitoare.  Va rugam sa cititi in detailu cum vom intrebuinta donatiile dumneavoastra la pagina noastra GoFundMe.  Multe multumiri!

Echipa AR-NE

AR-NE este pe YouTube / AR-NE is on YouTube

Dragi prieteni, deși pandemia ne ține în casă, AR-NE e doar la un click distanță. De astăzi avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita să urmăriți Asociația Românilor din New England (AR-NE) și pe YouTube. Arhiva evenimentelor organizate de AR-NE, live sau înregistrate, se va regăsi pe canalul AR-NE:  AR-NE YouTube.

Dear friends, although the pandemic is keeping us indoors, AR-NE is just one click away. Starting today we take great pleasure in inviting you to follow the Association of Romanians in New England (AR-NE) on YouTube. The archive of AR-NE organized events, live or recorded, will be available on the AR-NE channel: AR-NE YouTube.

Concurs de Arta pentru copii „Martisor” / Kids Art Exhibition „Martisor”

Va multumim dragi copii pentru participarea la concursul nostru de arta cu tema „Martisor”. Suntem foarte bucurosi ca am primit lucrari de arta din multe parti ale Statelor Unite, si chiar si din Romania! O primava insorita va dorim tuturor! La Multi Ani pentru 1 Martie!

These works of art are submitted by talented kids from the Romanian community to celebrate the beginning of Spring and our traditional „Martisor”.  Happy First Day of Spring!

Tradiții Românești de primăvară / Romanian Traditions around Spring Time

În aşteptarea primăverii, tradiţiile româneşti consemnează multe și frumoase moduri de a sărbători dragostea, renașterea și energia conectării cu natură.

De la sfârșitul lui februarie până la începutul lunii mai, cultura română abundă în sărbători, tradiții, obiceiuri, asemănătoare că semnificații, dar diferit sărbătorite în diferite colțuri ale țării. Suntem în plin calendar de primăvară, așadar.

Credeați că le știți pe toate? Hmmm…Vă invităm să aflați lucruri noi prin prisma celor doi invitați de marcă prezenți la conferința online din 5 martie 2021, 6:00–7:30 pm. Scurtă prezentare a tradițiilor de primăvară de către oaspeți aleși:

Profesor Sanda Golopenția: Despre descântecul de dragoste. 

SandaGolopentia Descantec

Profesor Constantin Eretescu: Despre Mărțișor.

ConstantinEretescu Martisor

The rich Romanian traditions around arrival of spring are highlighting love, renewal, and the energy coming from nature awakening.

From end of February to beginning of May, Romanian folk culture is filled with celebrations of milestones of similar significance but taking different forms in different regions of the country. We are in full spring festivities.

We invite you to join us in discovering all these wonderful traditions with the help of our distinguished guests, at our online conference: Short Presentation of Romanian Spring Traditions on March 5th 2021, 6-7:30 pm

Profesor Sanda GolopențiaAbout Incantations for Love.

Profesor Constantin Eretescu: About Mărțișor (spring amulet).

Data: Vineri, 5 martie 2021, ora 6 PM 

Date: Friday March 5th, 6pm

Zoom meeting

 Meeting ID:  313 551 6240
Passcode: 668835

Join Zoom Meeting

Agenda    Google Calendar   Yahoo Calendar  FB event:


 Asociația Românilor din New England

Calendar of Future Events

May 9th, 2020 – Jazz Concert – STEFAN SIRBU TRIO – Boston College  Cancelled because of Coronavirus pandemic


Born and raised in Moldova and currently residing in Strasbourg, France, pianist Stefan Sirbu has made both sides of the Rhine and of the Atlantic his creative lab. Besides regular performances with his working trio featuring Jean-Luc Miotti on double-bass and Daniel Dupret on drums, he collaborated with various jazz musicians in Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Berlin and New York City, sharing his music with listeners for more than fifteen years. During his visits to NYC Stefan has taken advice from NYC-based piano masters Barry Harris, David Hazeltine, Donald Vega, Jeremy Manasia, Theo Hill, Benito Gonzalez, Manuel Valera, Can Olgun and many others. A talented composer, he has written numerous compositions which he often performs live with his bands.

May 10th, 2020 – Lilac Sunday – Picnic in duminica liliacului – Arnold Arboretum Cancelled because of Coronavirus pandemic


A zecea chemare la picnic romanesc in Duminica Liliacului.
Dragi prieteni va asteptam la inca o intalnire cu primavara in Gradina botanica a Universitatii Harvard-Arnold Arboretum! In aceasta gradina botanica intinsa pe 281 de acri, doar in aceasta zi speciala. o duminica din an dedicata exclusiv liliacului, vizitatorii se pot bucura de o plimbare in parc si un pranz la iarba verde.
Asociatia Romanilor din New England impreuna cu Romani in Boston US, va invita sa va aduceti cosuletele de picnic pe Bussey Hill Road, in inima colectiei de lilac, unde steagul romanesc va fi arborat pe „Carpathian Birch”, ca in fiecare an.
De 111 ani, cu 369 de arbusti, colectia de liliac plasata printre cele mai valoroase din America de Nord, ne promite si in acest an un spectacol cu o explozie de culori si o diversitate de miresme.
Pentru aceasta vizita va recomandam sa veniti din timp pentru a gasi parcare (gratuita) pe strazile din jurul parcului, sau sa folositi metroul pe Orange Line, la statia Forest Hills.
Detalii privind acest eveniment gasiti aici:

Book Launch: “Our Daily Lives” – by Sanda Golopentia

Readings from “Our Daily Lives” with the author Sanda Golopentia and English language translator Lidia Bradley followed by Q&A with Lidia Bradley, Sanda Golopentia, and Constantin Eretescu

February 29th 5 pm

Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont, MA.


Cartea cuprinde rapoartele agentilor de securitate, scrise timp de 129 de zile in 1948, 1949, si 1950, pe parcursul urmaririi tatalui autoarei, sociologul Anton Golopentia, ca si transcierile convorbirilor telefonice din acea perioada din casa lor. Mai cuprinde si declaratiile lui Anton Golopentia din timpul anchetelor, si de asemenea file de memorii. Cartea arunca o privire asupra istoriei Romaniei dupa cel de al 2-lea razboi mondial, in special asupra inceputului comunismului si represiunilor politice din Romania. In luna februarie a acestui an, cartea a ajuns deja pe rafturile marilor universitati americane, fiind apreciata ca un material de referinta de studenti, profesori, si cercetatori.

This book contains all the reports written during 129 days in 1948, 1949, and 1950 by the secret police agents of the Securitate charged with the surveillance of the author’s father, sociologist Anton Golopentia, as well as all the transcriptions of the phone conversations in their house at that time. It also brings together some of Golopentia’s declarations later on, while investigated as a detained witness, and personal memories. The book provides insights into post-WWII Eastern European history, particularly the beginning of the communist regime and political repression in Romania, and will be useful to researchers (historians, psychologists, anthropologists, and literary specialists), as well as professors and students in universities and schools.

Spring Fair / Targul Martisorului

February 29th from 11:00 am – 4:30 pm

Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont, MA


Veti putea gasi bijuterii, accesorii vestimentare, decoratii, bunatati de casa, si alte daruri. Sigur veti gasi ceva pentru fiecare. Vom celebra apropiata venire a primaverii cu bucurie, frumusete, si creativitate.
In anticiparea zilei de 1 martie, nelipsite la acest targ vor fi traditionalele Mărţişoare.
Vom avea de asemenea cateva mese de afaceri, unde detinatorii de businessuri locali isi vor putea face cunoscute activitatile si serviciile.

Vendorii sau detinatorii de afaceri interesati in a participa la targ sunt rugati sa trimita o aplicatie pana la data de 17 februarie 2020. Pentru a obtine o forma de aplicatie, sa orice informatie, va rugam sa o contactati pe Andreea Onofras la:
Cell:857-523-5292 unde puteti sa ii trimitei si SMS.

Orice donatii vor fi mult apreciate, orice suma ne va ajuta sa organizam in viitor evenimente pentru comunitate. ARNE ieste o organizatie non-profit 501c3 scutita de taxe, iar donatiile dumneavoastra for fi de asemenea scutite de taxe.

A place where you can find jewelry, fashion, decoration, homemade goodies and other great gifts. There’s sure to be something for everyone on your list—even a treat for you! We celebrate upcoming spring with joy, beauty and creativity. A visit to a craft fair is a quest to this universe, to look for hidden gems, because is never too much to keep your dearest ones surprised and happy.
In anticipation of 1st of March, the fair will be a great opportunity to find beloved Mărţişoare, a tradition older than 7000 years to celebrate arrival of Spring in Romania by offering and exchanging little amulets tied with a intertwined red and white string.
We also plan to have several business tables where local small businesses can make themselves known.

Vendors and business owners interested in attending the Fair can submit their application by 02/17/2020. Please contact Andreea Onofras for any question or to get the custom form at:
Cell:857-523-5292 or send her a text message.

Any donation at the door will be much appreciated, any amount will help us organize future events for the community. ARNE is a non profit 501c3 tax exempt  organization and your donation are tax deductible.

Capra cu trei iezi / The Goat and Her Three Kids


February 22nd at 4 pm

Auburndale Community Library: 375 Auburn St., Newton, MA 

Desprinsa de lume, o mama singura cu trei copii se vede nevoita sa isi apere cu orice pret ce a mai ramas din familia ei de un ucigas cu sange rece. Bazata pe binecunoscuta poveste romaneasca „Capra cu trei iezi” a lui Ion Creanga, acesc scurt metraj isi propune sa dezvaluie adevarata natura a celebrei povesti de adormit copiii, si sa expuna publicului o alta perspectiva, una ce arata de fapt ce inseamna o tragedie, dincolo de cantece vesele si caractere simpatice. Filmul nu este recomandat copiilor sun 12 ani.
In 2019 scurt metrajul „Capra cu trei iezi” avandu-i in rolurile principale pe Maia Morgenstern and Marius Bodochi, regizat de Victor Canache produs de Luana Georgiţă a avut premiera la Festivalul International de Film Transilvania.
Victor Canache si Luana Georgiţă se afla in Statele Unite sa promoveze varianta de scurt metraj a filmului si sa adune cat mai multe resurse pentru a incepe pregatirile pentru varianta de lung metraj a filmului.
Asociatia Romanilor in New England le sprijina efortul si visul de a continua acest proiect. Speram ca ne veti fi alaturi la prezentarea scurt metrajului si la sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri.
Orice donatie e binevenita si ii va ajuta pe producatori in efortul lor de aduce la lumina varianta de lung metraj a acestei povesti cu care multi dintre noi am crescut.

Secluded from the world, a single mother of three has to defend what’s left of her family, at all cost, from a cold blooded killer. Based on one of the best known Romanian fairy tales (The Goat and Her Three Kids by Ion Creanga), this short film aims to unveil the true nature of the famed bed time story and to treat the audience to a different perspective, one that offers a glimpse at what the tragedy actually looks like beyond the happy songs and colorful characters. The movie is not recommended for children under the age of 12.
In 2019 the short film The Goat and Her Three Kids starring Maia Morgenstern and Marius Bodochi,  directed by Victor Canache and produced by Luana Georgiţă premieres at Transilvania International Film Festival.
Victor Canache and Luana Georgiţă are in the United States to present the short version of the movie and to gather as many resources as possible to start the preparation of the long version.
The Association of Romanians in New England is supporting their efforts and their dream of continuing this project and we hope you can join us for the screening and the Q&A session.
Donations are welcome and will support their tour in the United States and their efforts to fulfill the dream of making the long version of a story that many of us grew up with.

Winter Fair


Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 12 PM – 5 PM

365 Belmont St, Belmont, MA 02478

ARNE invites you to the Winter Fair, a place where you can find jewelry, fashion, decoration, homemade goodies and other great gifts. There’s sure to be something for everyone on your list—even a treat for you! Because around Holidays is never too much to keep your dearest ones surprised and happy.
We also have 2 sessions of presentation and networking dedicated to professionals and small business. Because is always good to know and like your future partners.
Finally we have a small secret: kids will have a postal mail box to drop their letter to Santa and….maybe Santa will stop by to pick up their envelopes!
Carols, surprises, fun and gifts. Merry season!

Vendors interested in attending the Fair can submit their application up to 11/20/2019. Please contact Andreea Onofras for any question or to get the custom form at:

Entrance fee for:
-general public = $3;
-students and seniors =$3 including a raffle ticket;
-kids under age of 6= free!!!
Tickets available at the door.

Teatru pentru copii si muzica Mariei Tanase

Dragi prieteni,

Mai e ceva timp pana la Thanksgiving, dar ARNE, anticipand, va multumeste pentru ceea ce i-ati daruit in timp: munca, bani, atentie, implicare, timp, incurajari, critici constructive. Si va incurajeaza sa-i fiti alaturi si pe viitor!

Sunteti invitati sa participati impreuna cu toata familia si chiar cu una doua familii de prieteni, la un potluck prietenesc, fara formalitati, cu multa voie buna:

Sambata, 19 octombrie 2019, ora 3:30 PM

365 Belmont Street, Belmont, MA 02478 – PAYSON PARK CHURCH


Programul zilei:

3:30 PM Piesa de teatru interactiv pentru copii “Clara si Timpului liber”-un spectacol de Ana Turos

4:30 PM Concert cu muzica din repertoriul Mariei Tanase-Partea I-sustinut de Elena Albu

5:00 PM Intermezzo cu aperitive si must

5:30 PM Concert cu muzica din repertoriul Mariei Tanase-Partea a II-a -sustinut de Elena Albu

6:00 PM Desert

 Va rugam sa subscrieti la contributia pentru potluck pe urmatoarea lista:

 Luati copiii si lasati-i sa vina la ARNE!

Clara si timpul liber:

Ca în fiecare zi, Clara funcționara își vede cu conștiinciozitate de lucru, programând activitățile extra-școlare ale copiilor. Doar că azi, ca în nici o alta zi, în  Biroul Oficial de Ocupare a Timpului Oficial Liber totul pare sa meargă pe dos la propriu și la figurat. Înnebunită de dosare cu tabele și orare, dar mai ales de Vocea care nu îi îngăduie nici o pauză, Clara primește un telefon care îi amintește de ceva aproape uitat: faptul că și ea a fost odată copil. Sătulă de atâtea planificări, mintea începe sa îi umble brambura și scapă frâiele în care era atât de bine ținută imaginația. Va reuși oare Clara să găsească secretul eliberării timpului liber?

Un spectacol fără prea multe vorbe, cu umor și un strop de poezie despre frumusețea lucrurilor născute din întâmplare, neplanificate. De văzut împreună cu părinții.

Varsta 6+
Regie: Ana Turos
Cu: Ana Turos
Ilustrație muzicală: Alex Lungu
Decor: Ana Maria Hariton


Elena Albu

Violonista de formatie clasica, parte a Light Quartet si indragostita iremediabil de muzica traditionala romaneasca, in special de cantecele Mariei Tanase. Implicata in diverse proiecte si genuri musicale, de la muzica clasica, tango, muzica de film, de desen animat, muzica live in teatru. Canta cu bucuria muzicii la diferite instrumente acompaniindu-se de o voce plina.