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Let’s play!


Dear Friends, 
The Association of Romanians in New England invites the children to a playdate!  Meet us at John J Lane Park on Saturday November 6th between 2:30 and 5:00 pm.  We encourage our kids to practice speaking Romanian at the playground.  Our Volunteers will lead them into playing some well loved Romanian games such as Baba Oarba, V-ati-ascunselea, Tara Tara Vrem Ostasi.  Baloons and Facepainting will also be available. Please note that parents and/or grandparents should be with the children at all times.  The park’s address is:

John J. Lane Park

185 Speen St

Natick, MA 01760
In the event of rain we will postpone the playdate for the following week-end.  More details can be found on the Facebook event, on AR-NE’s Facebook page. For those who do not use Facebook, please contact us at to RSVP. 

Moms and dads, please bring snaks and drinks for your kids.  Looking forward to seeing you on the playground!
AR-NE team

Lilac Sunday Picnic – Arnold Arboretum, Boston MA – Sunday, May 13 at 10 AM – 3 PM

Picture0002 The Association of Romanians in New England (AR-NE), Romanians in Boston, EERC, Castelul Copiilor and Rhythmic Dreams invites you to join us at the Arnold Arboretum for a picnic on Lilac Sunday. Of the thousands of flowering plants in the Arboretum, only one, the lilac, is singled out each year for a daylong celebration. With more than 370 lilac plants of 176 kinds, the Arboretum holds one of the premier lilac collections in North America. Tours of the lilacs, family activities, food vendors, and picnicking (on this special day only) make for a memorable day. This is the 8th consecutive year we are co-hosting this picnic.
When: Sunday, May 13th, 2018, 10am-3pm
Where: Meeting spot: Square 14 (birch trees on the hill) marked with “X” on the map below.
Entrance to the park is free.
Details: Entry to the Arboretum is free. As in previous years, everyone is welcome to bring whatever food and drink they’d like (potluck style). Street parking along the Arboretum perimeter is limited and visitors are advised to take public transportation. The nearest MBTA statios is Forrest Hills on the Orange line..
Contact: AR-NE: Liliana Onita Lenco 978-548-8435
Romani in Boston: Serban Georgescu – 617-959-7472

Irina Muresanu with New Philharmonia Orchestra – May 19 and 20, 2018 – Newton MA

In honor of New Philharmonia Orchestra’s founding Music Director, Ronald Knudsen (1932 – 2015), a veteran BSO violinist, the orchestra continues to dedicate its spring concert to his memory and presents one of the great violin concertos. This year is no exception. You’re invited to New Phil’s season finale: “All Beethoven” with guest conductor Jorge Soto at First Baptist Church in Newton Centre on Saturday, May 19 at 8pm and Sunday, May 20 at 3pm. Beethoven was a musical revolutionary – his inspirational music speaks for itself!

The wonderful and gifted Romanian violinist Irina Muresanu joins the New Phil for Beethoven’s great violin concerto. Irina has been noted as “not just a virtuoso, but an artist.” The program will also include his Consecration of the House Overture and the magnificent Symphony No. 7!

Tickets starting at $37. Student/Senior discounts available. For more info & tickets:

Exclusive Discount for the Association of Romanians in New England! Enter discount code: ARNE during checkout & save 20% on all tickets! Offer valid online only, until 6 hours prior to the performance.

Questions? Call 617-527-9717 or email

17-18 Classics III Poster 21

Tara Skurtu : Poetry Reading – January 9 2018 – Cambridge MA

Tuesday January 9, 2018, 7pm – 9pm, Grolier Poetry Book Shop, 6 Plympton St, Cambridge, MA – with Lloyd Schwartz

Saturday January 13, 2018, 4 PM, Porter Square Books, Cambridge, MA

Tara Skurtu is an American poet and literary translator currently residing in Romania. Her ancestors hail from Romania. She is a two-time Fulbright grantee and the recipient of two Academy of American Poets prizes, a Marcia Keach Poetry Prize, and a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship in Poetry. Tara’s poems are published internationally, translated into six languages, and appear in journals such as The Kenyon Review, Plume, Salmagundi, Poetry Review. She is the author of the chapbook Skurtu, Romania (Eyewear Publishing, 2016; Romanian trans. Radu Vancu, Charmides, 2016) and the full poetry collection The Amoeba Game (Eyewear, 2017). Tara holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Boston University and a double degree in English and Spanish from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Before moving to Romania, she taught at Boston University; she was a lecturer in creative writing, she taught composition and literature to incarcerated students through BU’s Prison Education Program, and she was on the planning and teaching team for Robert Pinsky’s 2014 massive open online course (MOOC), “The Art of Poetry.” At present, she teaches creative writing in Bucharest.

The Romanian translation of The Amoeba Game (tr. Radu Vancu) is forthcoming with Nemira in March 2018.


Parliamentary Elections – December 11 2016 – Boston MA

Voting locations for the Romanian citizens living the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Romania in New York:

· New York, New York – 200 E 38th St., New York, NY 10016
· Pennsylvania, Philadelphia – 1907 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-5732
· Massachusetts, Boston – 63 R Boston Street, Room 526, Boston, MA 02125
· Connecticut, Manchester – 2 Winter Street, Manchester, CT 06040

Interactive map can be accessed here.

Voting will take place between the hours of 7AM and 9PM local time.

For Romanian citizens domiciled in the USA, please bring a valid passport (regular, temporari, or electronic) with the declared country of domicile declared in the passport.


Additional Information (in Romanian)

1. Ghidul alegătorului român în străinătate la alegerile parlamentare din 11 decembrie 2016
Ghidul alegătorului român în străinătate este un material informativ privind organizarea alegerilor pentru Senat şi Camera Deputaţilor din data de 11 decembrie 2016. Ghidul poate fi consultat aici –

2. Afiş informativ general privind alegerile parlamentare din 11 decembrie 2016
Afişul informativ conţine informaţii utile privind exercitarea dreptului de vot al cetăţenilor români din străinătate la alegerile pentru Senat şi Camera Deputaţilor din data de 11 decembrie. Afişul poate fi consultat aici –

3. Lista secţiilor de votare din SUA pentru alegerile parlamentare 11 decembrie din 2016
Afişul informativ conţine lista celor 31 de secţii de votare înfiinţate pe teritoriul SUA împreună cu adresele la care pot fi localizate în vederea exercitării dreptului de vot la alegerile pentru Senat şi Camera Deputaţilor din 11 decembrie 2016. Afişul poate fi consultat aici –

4. Documentele care atestă reşedinţa în SUA necesare pentru exercitarea dreptului de vot la alegerile parlamentare din 11 decembrie 2016
Afişul informativ conţine lista cu tipurile de documente care atestă reşedinţa în SUA în vederea exercitării dreptului de vot la alegerile pentru Senat şi Camera Deputaţilor din 11 decembrie 2016. Afişul poate fi consultat aici –

5. Întrebări frecvente referitoare la votul în străinătate pentru alegerile parlamentare din 11 decembrie 2016
Lista întrebărilor frecvente referitoare la votul în străinătate la alegerile pentru Senat şi Camera Deputaţilor din 11 decembrie 2016 poate fi consultată aici –

Summer Harmony – June 25 – Newton MA

ARNE invites you to walk cheerfully on a magical journey into a summer night of world famous opera arias, canzonettas and zarzuelas, guided by the powerful voice of tenor Costel Busuioc.

Where: Carriage House Violins – of Johnson String Instrument
1039 Chestnut St, Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts 02464
When: June 25 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Admission: $25, groups > 6 people $20/person, children under 12 free

Here is Costel Busuioc during a Chicago concert:

Consulat itinerant la Boston (MA) – 15 și 16 aprilie 2016

Consulatul General al României la New York anunță organizarea unui consulat itinerant la Boston, Statul Massachusetts – în zilele de 15 și 16 aprilie 2016, între orele 14.00-18.00 în ziua de vineri, 15 aprilie, respectiv 09.00-13.00 în ziua de sâmbătă, 16 aprilie. Urmează să anunțăm în timp util detaliile și adresa sediului unde se va desfășura consulatul itinerant.
Serviciile consulare oferite sunt următoarele:
– Autentificare înscrisuri (procuri, declaraţii);
– Depunerea cererilor privind clarificarea cetățeniei române;
– Transcriere acte de stare civilă;
– Procurare acte din România (acte de stare civilă, cazier judiciar);
– Eliberare acte pentru care cererile au fost depuse în prealabil (paşapoarte, acte de
stare civilă, acte procurate din România).
Din motive exclusiv tehnice, nu se pot primi solicitări de pașapoarte și titluri de călătorie.
Accesul se face numai pe bază de programare prealabilă. Cetățenii interesați sunt rugaţi să solicite programare până marți, 12 aprilie 2016, la adresa de email:

Consulatul recomandă tuturor cetăţenilor români care vor solicita servicii și documente consulare să se prezinte cu documentele de identitate, călătorie şi/sau stare civilă necesare, atât în original, cât şi în fotocopie. Pagina de web a Consulatului de la New York este – găsiți acolo informații referitoare la toate categoriile de servicii consulare și documentele necesare pe care trebuie sa le prezentați.
