Marie, Queen of All Romanians – Theater play with Liana Ceterchi


Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 6 PM – 8 PM

50 Paul Revere Rd, Arlington, MA 02476-5748, United States

ARNE invites you to discover” Marie, Queen of all Romanians” revealing theatrical portrait of one of the most loved and respected royal figure in Romanian history.
She was the queen that fought for the golden dream of the Romanians :the international recognition of Greater Romania. “She fought like a real warrior that she was, she loved with the soul of an artist and she nurtured her country like a caring mother.”
The show, based on Queen Marie’s war journals – 1916, 1917, 1918 is written, directed and performed by talented and profound actress, Liana Ceterchi.

Based on Queen Marie’s war journals – 1916, 1917, 1918
Adaptation for stage by Edith Negulici and Liana Ceterchi
By and with Liana Ceterchi
Costumes: Alina Gurguță
Live music: Elena Albu
Lights and Sound: Leonard Băcică & Ana Turoș

Intalnire cu regizoarea Victoria Baltag si filmul “Herman-omul din spatele teroarii”


Friday, September 20-st 7 PM
365 Belmont St, Belmont, MA 02478 – Proiectie film si sesiune Q&A cu regizoarea Victoria Baltag

Saturday, September 21-st 4 PM
375 Auburn St, Auburndale, MA 02466 – Proiectie film si sesiune Q&A cu regizoarea Victoria Baltag

Sunday, September 22-nd 12 PM
8 Addison St, Chelsea MA 02150 – Intalnire cu regizoarea Victoria Baltag si sesiune Q&A

Bazat pe o poveste reala, filmul “Herman-omul din spatele teroarii” descrie evenimentele petrecute in inchisoarea de la Pitesti, in Romania anilor 1949-1951, imediat dupa instaurarea regimului comunist, atunci cand studentii erau fortati sa devina membrii ai partidului comunist iar cei ce refuzau erau trecuti printr-un proces de ‘reeducare’ prin tortura fizica si mentala.

Multi ani, despre Experimentul Pitesti s-a stiut putin, adevaruri trunchiate sau deformate. Prin acest film producatorii doresc sa faca cunoscut apartea aceasta, trista, dar adevarata a istoriei Romaniei si sa aduca un omagiu celor ce au luptat importriva regimului.
Vizita regizoarei si producatoarei Victoria Baltag este o intalnire cu publicul avizat si cu cel dornic sa afle, o pledoarie pentru sustinerea unui film de lung metraj, 100% independent a carui finalizare depinde de strangerea de fonduri pentru a acoperi costurile de post-productie. In acest sens, va incurajam cu caldura sa sustineti acest proiect sau sa ne contactati personal pentru a va oferi variante pentru contributii. Donatiile pentru film se fac prin campania GoFundMe sau prin metodele recomandate la
Varianta regizorala a filmului, care va fi prezentata in timpul intalnirii este subtitrata in engleza, fiind astfel accesibil atat membrilor comunitatii romanesti, cat si publicului larg.
Filmul este un lung metraj-artistic cu Ion Caramitru în rol de suport, realizat după o documentare de peste patru ani în arhivele IICCMER (Institutul de investigare a crimelor comunismului), cu material din Arhivele Naţionale de Film înserate în lung-metraj, un film 100% independent, singurul film românesc finanţat din crowdsourcing, campanii naţionale şi internaţionale de colectare de fonduri, cu o vizibilitate în presa natională şi internatională de peste 4000 de ştiri (încă înainte de lansare). Filmările au avut loc în locaţii autentice (muzee, case memoriale, forturile din Bucureşti, fosta închisoare de la Piteşti, etc.) şi au fost finalizate în 2015. În proiect sunt implicaţi peste 600 de oameni. Filmarile au fost incheiate, mai are nevoie încă de fonduri pentru finalizare.
Noi, cei de la Asociatia Romanilor din New England, ne dorim ca prin acest evenimet sa putem sustinem acest efort de recuperare a adevarurilor istorice, chiar si a adevarurilor care dor, de a face vizibile lupta si sacrificiul celor 2000 de tineri supusi acestui “experiment”. Ne dorim sa facem parte dintre cei care cred si pot sa ajute realizarea acestui film. Va invitam sa fiti alaturi de noi.

The movie depicts the true story of the events which took place in Romania between 1949 and 1951 when, following the establishment of the Communist regime, all students were compelled to become members of the Party. Consequently, those who refused were imprisoned and ‘re-educated’. The re-education phenomenon, a concept borrowed from the Soviet educator A.S. Makarenko, relied on the assumption that every person can become a ‘new entity’ through ‘re-education’, which in this instance was achieved by means of both physical and mental torture.
One of the darkest page of the dark years of the communist regime in Eastern Europe, years that cut, changed or crushed lives and pushed the history of some of the countries with 200 years back.
The subject of the Piteti Experiment was kept away of the public eye until recently, and therefore we believe it is impetuous that as many people as possible learn about it. To understand before to blame. To forgive before forget.
This is the first feature film on this subject and it is funded through
public donations, thus becoming a 100% independent project, initiated by Connections Romania’s team of young professionals, passionate about history and cinematography.
While they aim to raise awareness on such a vital yet hidden part of Romanias history,they are also want to raise funds for the post-production, which represents the 20% that we’re missing to complete this true story film.
Please come and meet Victoria Baltag, producer and director of this film, listen and watch the stories behind the project and get involved on the Q&A session following the screening.
Following the trend of the successful Romanian trend in the cinematography, we wish to see soon this film on the big International Film.


Romanian Traditions: Dances, Food, Music with Plaiurile Dornelor Ensemble – Arlington MA, April 20 2019

Saturday April 20th, 6:30 – 9:30 PM
Arlington Masonic Temple, 19 Academy Street, Arlington, MA 02476
Tickets – Eventbrite – $25

You are invited to an evening of Romanian traditional dances, food, and music. The Ensemble Plaiurile Dornelor from Vatra Dornei, Romania, will bring their talent and folklore to charm us with their virtuosity. The evening will include a welcome with traditional Romanian foods, a master class in Romanian dance – children are encouraged to participate, as well as a dance performance with folk dances from all regions of Romania along with unique folk traditions of Bucovina.

Children are especially welcome, they’ll have a chance to learn traditional folk dances first hand. All children will have free admission.

The winners of many Romanian dance competitions, Plaiurile Dornelor Ensemblem from Vatra Dornei, Romania have performed at international folk festivals throughout Europe and have also appeared on local and national radio and TV programs.

Until then see our Facebook page for updates.

Theater – Ileana, Princess of Romania – Tuesday, September 11 at 6:30 PM – 9 PM – Belmont, MA

Tuesday, September 11 at 6:30 PM – 9 PM
Studio Cinema Belmont – 376 Trapelo Rd, Belmont, MA 02478
For English speaking audience, subtitles are projected on the back screen.

Ileana Princess Of Romania


History is one of the three main genres in Western theater alongside tragedy and comedy, although it originated, in its modern form, thousands of years later than the other primary genres.
Dramatization by Edith Negulici after the autobiographical novel “I Live Again”, the performance about Princess Ileana’s life is a charming and dramatic evocation of the main moments in the life of the author and of the history she had lived.

“Yes, to live again, because after I left home, which for me was always Romania, I was as dead. Not the circumstances were hard to bear, but even the need to live. I never doubted of the necessity of being close to my six children, but inside, the “personal self” that existed independent of the mother, the wife, the friend who I was – the essential ego, on which all was built – suffered a deadly shock when I was dismissed from my people.” – Princess Ileana

In 1950, she and the children moved to the United States, where she bought a house in Newton, Massachusetts.

In 1961, Ileana entered the Orthodox Monastery of the Protection of the Mother of God, in Bussy-en-Othe, France. On her tonsuring as a monastic, in 1967, Sister Ileana was given the name Mother Alexandra. She moved back to the United States and founded the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, the first English language Orthodox monastery in North America. She was the third female descendant of Queen Victoria to become a Mother Superior in a convent of her own foundation. She served as abbess until her retirement in 1981, remaining at the monastery until her death.

Princess Ileana fought for others, was at the service of her people, and served those in need. She created hospitals, canteens, nursing schools, all sorts of ways to raise funds for wounded, orphaned, ill, poor, less fortunate than her, who was the daughter of an important King, Ferdinand Integrator and a Queen of Excellence, Queen Mary of Romania.
The life of Princess Ileana/Mother Alexandra, imposes her as a model to be followed and legitimizes her in front of posterity.”

Au început înscrierile pentru Programul de Tabere „ARC”– 2018 destinat românilor de pretutindeni

Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni organizează cea de-a zecea ediţie consecutivă a Programului „ARC” – program de tabere pentru etnicii români din afara graniţelor, organizat în colaborare cu Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului. În acest an, vor fi organizate tabere în Centrul de Agrement Sulina şi în Tabăra Oglinzi, unităţi aparţinând de DJST Tulcea, respectiv DJST Neamţ, din subordinea Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului.

Criteriile de selecţie pentru participanţii la Programul „ARC” sunt următoarele:
– sunt români de pretutindeni (se recomandă cu vârsta cuprinsă între 8 şi 18 ani);
– participă pentru prima dată la programul „ARC”;
– au cunoştinţe de bază ale limbii române;

– sunt câştigători ai olimpiadelor/concursurilor naţionale şi internaţionale sau au rezultate bune la învăţătură;
– au rezultate şi aptitudini deosebite în sport, muzică, arte plastice etc.;
– au rezultate remarcabile în promovarea identităţii româneşti;
– sunt membrii activi sau simpatizanţi ai mediului asociativ românesc din ţările de reşedinţă şi se implică în activitatea acestora;
– se pot constitui în grupuri de cel puţin 10 persoane, cu un însoţitor persoană adultă;
-îndeplinesc toate cerinţele pentru deplasarea în România (au paşaport, viză, aviz epidemiologic etc.).

Precizăm că este obligatoriu ca participanţii să se încadreze în primele trei criterii enumerate mai sus.
Programul organizat în tabără va cuprinde activităţi educative, culturale şi sportive, prelegeri având ca temă istoria şi civilizaţia românească, cursuri de limba română, concursuri de cultură generală, proiecţii de filme etc.

Cheltuielile privind cazarea și masa vor fi asigurate de către organizatori. În ceea ce privește transportul, menționăm următoarele: transportul din țara de reședință până la punctul de întâlnire, respectiv sediul Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni situat în bulevardul Primăverii nr. 22, București va fi suportat de către participanți. Organizatorii vor suporta transportul participanților din București până la tabără și retur.

Anul acesta, pentru participanții din diaspora au fost alocate în total 285 de locuri, repartizate pe serii după cum urmează:
• 238 de locuri în Tabăra Sulina din Judeţul Tulcea:
Seria I (26 iunie – 3 iulie) – locuri 10
Seria II (3 – 10 iulie) – locuri 10
Seria III (10 – 17 iulie) – locuri 9
Seria IV (17 – 24 iulie) – locuri 10
Seria V (24 – 31 iulie) – locuri 28
Seria VI (31 iulie – 07 august) – locuri 61
Seria VII (7 – 14 august) – locuri 90
Seria VIII (14 – 21 august) – locuri 10

Seria IX (studenți) (21 – 28 august) – locuri 10
• 47 de locuri în Tabăra Oglinzi din Judeţul Neamț:
Seria II (2 – 9 iulie) – locuri 10
Seria III (9 – 6 iulie) – locuri 14
Seria IV (16 – 23 iulie) – locuri 23
Seria V (23 – 30 iulie) – Studenți si prof.

Prin urmare, vă adresăm rugămintea de a informa Ambasada României în SUA, la adresa de e-mail, până la data de 3 mai a.c., în legătură cu interesul pentru participarea la taberele ARC 2018, în conformitate cu criteriile de mai sus, precum şi de a ne transmite opţiunile dumneavoastră privind locaţia şi seria.

Datele necesare pentru fiecare participant sunt: nume, prenume, localitate, vârstă, nr. paşaport, instituţia de învăţământ, precum şi datele de contact ale însoţitorului grupului.

Ajuns la a zecea ediție, programul se adresează etnicilor români din afara granițelor, respectiv elevi, tineri, studenți din țările aflate în jurul granițelor și Balcani: Serbia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Ucraina, Republica Moldova (inclusiv regiunea Transnistreană), Albania, Republica Macedonia, Croația, precum și românilor din diaspora de mobilitate din țări ca Italia, Spania, Franța, Belgia, Germania, Austria, Marea Britanie, Grecia, Canada, Statele Unite ale Americii etc.

Programul de tabere „ARC” își propune să creeze și să păstreze legături între cetățenii și etnicii români din diferite ţări, să ofere cunoștințe despre cultura și civilizația românească, să promoveze valorile patrimoniului cultural românesc.

Lilac Sunday Picnic – Arnold Arboretum, Boston MA – Sunday, May 13 at 10 AM – 3 PM

Picture0002 The Association of Romanians in New England (AR-NE), Romanians in Boston, EERC, Castelul Copiilor and Rhythmic Dreams invites you to join us at the Arnold Arboretum for a picnic on Lilac Sunday. Of the thousands of flowering plants in the Arboretum, only one, the lilac, is singled out each year for a daylong celebration. With more than 370 lilac plants of 176 kinds, the Arboretum holds one of the premier lilac collections in North America. Tours of the lilacs, family activities, food vendors, and picnicking (on this special day only) make for a memorable day. This is the 8th consecutive year we are co-hosting this picnic.
When: Sunday, May 13th, 2018, 10am-3pm
Where: Meeting spot: Square 14 (birch trees on the hill) marked with “X” on the map below.
Entrance to the park is free.
Details: Entry to the Arboretum is free. As in previous years, everyone is welcome to bring whatever food and drink they’d like (potluck style). Street parking along the Arboretum perimeter is limited and visitors are advised to take public transportation. The nearest MBTA statios is Forrest Hills on the Orange line..
Contact: AR-NE: Liliana Onita Lenco 978-548-8435
Romani in Boston: Serban Georgescu – 617-959-7472

Irina Muresanu with New Philharmonia Orchestra – May 19 and 20, 2018 – Newton MA

In honor of New Philharmonia Orchestra’s founding Music Director, Ronald Knudsen (1932 – 2015), a veteran BSO violinist, the orchestra continues to dedicate its spring concert to his memory and presents one of the great violin concertos. This year is no exception. You’re invited to New Phil’s season finale: “All Beethoven” with guest conductor Jorge Soto at First Baptist Church in Newton Centre on Saturday, May 19 at 8pm and Sunday, May 20 at 3pm. Beethoven was a musical revolutionary – his inspirational music speaks for itself!

The wonderful and gifted Romanian violinist Irina Muresanu joins the New Phil for Beethoven’s great violin concerto. Irina has been noted as “not just a virtuoso, but an artist.” The program will also include his Consecration of the House Overture and the magnificent Symphony No. 7!

Tickets starting at $37. Student/Senior discounts available. For more info & tickets:

Exclusive Discount for the Association of Romanians in New England! Enter discount code: ARNE during checkout & save 20% on all tickets! Offer valid online only, until 6 hours prior to the performance.

Questions? Call 617-527-9717 or email

17-18 Classics III Poster 21

Tara Skurtu : Poetry Reading – January 9 2018 – Cambridge MA

Tuesday January 9, 2018, 7pm – 9pm, Grolier Poetry Book Shop, 6 Plympton St, Cambridge, MA – with Lloyd Schwartz

Saturday January 13, 2018, 4 PM, Porter Square Books, Cambridge, MA

Tara Skurtu is an American poet and literary translator currently residing in Romania. Her ancestors hail from Romania. She is a two-time Fulbright grantee and the recipient of two Academy of American Poets prizes, a Marcia Keach Poetry Prize, and a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship in Poetry. Tara’s poems are published internationally, translated into six languages, and appear in journals such as The Kenyon Review, Plume, Salmagundi, Poetry Review. She is the author of the chapbook Skurtu, Romania (Eyewear Publishing, 2016; Romanian trans. Radu Vancu, Charmides, 2016) and the full poetry collection The Amoeba Game (Eyewear, 2017). Tara holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Boston University and a double degree in English and Spanish from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Before moving to Romania, she taught at Boston University; she was a lecturer in creative writing, she taught composition and literature to incarcerated students through BU’s Prison Education Program, and she was on the planning and teaching team for Robert Pinsky’s 2014 massive open online course (MOOC), “The Art of Poetry.” At present, she teaches creative writing in Bucharest.

The Romanian translation of The Amoeba Game (tr. Radu Vancu) is forthcoming with Nemira in March 2018.


Book Launch – January 14th 2017 – Newton MA

Book launch event “Eternal Longing, Impossible Love” Mihai Eminescu, English translation by Adrian George Sahlean


The book was launched in 2016 in Romania by Adrian George Sahlean and won the author the prestigious Eminescu award. The Romanian community and their friends are invited to meeet the author who will discuss his latest literary projects and will also autograph his book. There will be a stock of books available for purchase at a discount at the event.

When: Saturday, January 14th 2017, 6-8 PM

Where: The Auburndale Community Library
75 Auburn Street, Auburndale MA 02466

The meeting with Adrian George Sahlean at the Auburndale Library, which houses a small collection of Romanian books, will be followed by a reception at Bocca Bella Bistro ( ) for $15/person. Please RSVP for reception on ARNE Facebook Page before 11 AM on Saturday, January 14.

AR-NE Walking Club: St Peter’s Fiesta

Great weather for walking! After watching the boat races, we walked along the waterfront then down to the beach. We talked to scuba divers showing us their lobster catch, then came back through the Stage Fort Park. Later we did the Rocky Neck Historic Art Trail stopping by art galleries and by the shipyard, the oldest in the country! We did ~ 4 miles total!

Waterfront, Gloucester, MA

Rocky Neck, Gloucester, MA

When: 06/29/13, 10-14
Where: Pavilion Beach, Gloucester, MA 01930
Meeting time and location: 09.45-10.00, Gloucester Fisherman’s Memorial
Walk: beach stroll, optionally attend boat races
Driving directions: click here

Watching UEFA Champions League 2013 Soccer Final

Watching UEFA Champions League 2013 Soccer Final
AR-NE has the pleasure to invite you to watch 2013 UEFA Champions League soccer final together with us at “The Point” Pub in Boston, in a traditional Romanian atmosphere, with Romanian sausages (“mici”) and a variety of other appetizers. Watching soccer events has become a tradition within AR-NE – we are organizing this type of event for the 4th year in a row.
When: 05/25/13, 14-17
Where: The Point Pub, 147 Hanover St, Boston, MA
Parking: Parcel 7 Garage, ~$3 for 3 hours, with validation
Admission: Free for AR-NE members (one can become a member on the day of the event), $10 for non-members
Confirmation: To help approximate how much food to prepare, please RSVP

AR-NE Walking Club: Crane Estate Spring Open House

The entire day was sunny and wonderful for walking! After visiting the mansion, we walked on the Grand Mall, then on Crane Beach all the way to the end and then back on the rolling dunes for a total of 7.5 miles!

Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA

When: 05/05/13, 11-16
Where: The Crane Estate, 290 Argilla Road, Ipswich, MA 01938
Meeting time and location: 11-11.15, first statue on the right side as you walk from the mansion to the beach
Walk: Great House (59-room mansion) self-guided tour, Grand Mall walk, Crane Beach stroll
Driving directions: click here

Crane Estate, Great House and Grand Mall, Ipswich, MA

AR-NE Walking Club: Minute Man National Historical Park

We had a great day for walking on the Battle Road Trail! It took us about 5 miles from Paul Revere Capture Site parking lot eastward to Minute Man Visitor Center and then westward to Brooks Houses area and back. In the Hartwell Tavern area, we attended the Bloody Angle Battle Demonstration. What took only about an hour to perform brought together hundreds of reenactors that dedicate themselves to make sure that we never forget the Patriot’s fight for freedom. It is really easy to forget you are in the 21st Century!

When: 04/13/13, 10.30-14.30
Where: Minute Man National Historical Park, N Great Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773
Meeting time and location: 10.30-10.45, Paul Revere Capture Site Parking Lot
Walk: Battle Road Trail, optionally attend Bloody Angle Battle (11.00, Hartwell Tavern) and Parker’s Revenge Battle (14.00, near Minute Man Visitor Center) demonstrations
Driving directions: click here

Dress Rehearsal, Battle Green, Lexington, MA

AR-NE BOD Elections – December 14 – 25, 2012

[Dec 18, 2012: AR-NE Members can VOTE HERE using the password sent to them via email]

The Association of Romanians in New England is an organization recognized as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit by the IRS, operating only thanks to the enthusiastic involvement of our volunteers, and the generous support of our members, donors, and sponsors.

As the current 9-member volunteer Board of Directors is ending its tenure, AR-NE is inviting its members to assist this process in the following ways:

  • Volunteer to serve in the Board of Directors for the next mandate (3 years)
  • Make nominations for the Board of Directors
  • Volunteer to help run the elections

Since only members may participate in electing the new Board of Directors, please consider becoming a member. A moderate dose of dedicated time (several hours a week), enthusiasm and initiative are the most useful ingredients for a meaningful contribution to AR-NE’s future. The current team of volunteers, some of them founding members, are available to those interested in learning more details. Additionally, please note that monthly board meetings are open to all AR-NE members, who are encouraged to attend.

Steps to the Board of Directors Elections:

  1. Collecting nominations from AR-NE members – by December 9, 2012
  2. Consultation of each nominee to accept nomination. Distribution of ballots (or electronic equivalent) to each AR-NE member – by December 14, 2012
  3. Voting, tallying up of the ballots, and announcement of results to members – by December 25, 2012
  4. Transition to, and the first meeting of the new board, who will elect their executives (president, secretary and treasurer) – by January 14, 2013.

We look forward to your questions, and we hope that many of you will get involved and follow these elections. Please send us your suggestions and proposals at

Best regards,
Your AR-NE team of volunteers.

Polling Station in Boston – December 9 2012 – MIT, Cambridge MA

Polling Station in Boston

The Romanian Parlamentary Elections will take place on December 9th. A polling station will be open in Boston, in collaboration with the Romanian Consulate of NYC and the MIT Romanian Student Association.

Where: MIT , Room 8-119
When: December 9th, 2012 7am – 9pm
Contact: Razvan Mirica –
Dan Dimancescu, Honorary Consul of Romania in Boston – (617-497-1111)

Romanian Ball 2012 – Report


We would like to thank everyone who attended the first Romanian Ball in New England! We were overwhelmed by the numerous attendance (over 300!) and we were happy to see the enthusiasm and joy of those who wanted to celebrate with us Romanina’s National Day! We apologize deeply for the imperfections and the shortcomings and we promised that next year we will do a bigger/better event! If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, please email them to or please take the time to complete this short survey. Please share generously your photos and videos! Lastly, but most importantly, we would like to invite you all to join our volunteer organization so you can help plan and organize more successful events in the upcoming year.

We welcome you with open arms, AR-NE


Join AR-NE, in collaboration with the Romanian Student Association at MIT, for an evening celebrating Romanian culture and heritage.

Where: Morss Hall, MIT, 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge MA (Walker Memorial, MIT Building 50)
Parking: Parking at MIT
When: Sunday, December 2nd 2012, 5:30pm – 10pm
Attire: Semi-formal
Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner and live entertainment at 6pm, DJ after 8pm.

Cash bar with an assortment of alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine from Romania.
There will be fasting food.


Mescalun salad
Romanian potato salad (Boeuf salad)
Roasted eggpland salad (Vinete)
Bean spread
Mozzarella cubes
Feta cheese
Fried meat balls
Main Course
Stuffed cabbage
Romanian grilled sausages (mici)
Fish in white souce
Kettle cooked chicken with garlic sauce
Country style oven roasted potatoes
Romanian braised cabbage stew
Panettone Romanian style
Cookies or pastries


  • 6:00 AR-NE presentation
  • 6:15 Traditional Romanian folk music (Iuliana Roata – part 1)
  • 6:30 Traditional Romanian folk dances (artistic group The Ladies from Rhode Island)
  • 7:00 Traditional Romanian folk music (Iuliana Roata- part 2)
  • 7:30 Pop and classical Romanian and international music (Raluca Campean)
  • 7:45 Traditional Romanian dances (including “Hora Unirii” and “Perinita”) (artistic group from MIT)
  • 8:00 DJ program – Radu C. Morar – Morar Mobile DJ


Romanian Library Opens its Doors – October 20th, 2012 – Newton, MA

Where: 375 Auburn Street, Auburndale, MA 02466
When: October 20th 2012, 12pm-3pm

You are invited to visit the Romanian Library on October 20th between 12pm-3pm. This will be a great opportunity to browse through our book collection, maybe borrow some that pique your interest and meet other Romanians from the Boston area. If you would like to donate some of your Romanian books, CDs or DVDs, this would be the perfect occasion.

Decoding Dacia – Romania’s Lost Heritage (Documentary film) – November 15, 2012

DECODING DACIA TRAILER from Kogainon Films on Vimeo.

WHEN: November 15, 2012, 6:30PM (film starts at 7:00 )
WHERE: Fisher College – One Arlington Street (corner of Arlington and Beacon streets, Boston). Public Parking: Boston Common, marked as P on the map below.
RSVP: Please click here to reserve your seat (free admission).

You are invited to the showing of the new documentary “Decoding Dacia: Romania’s Lost Legacy” a 50 mm documentary produced by Kogainon Films (Boston/Bucharest).

The film explores the legacy of the Dacian Kingdom from “past to present” through the lens of Rome’s invasion and conquest between 101 and 106 AD. All material in the film is original. Specially featured are highly
detailed 3D digital reconstructions of Sarmizegetusa, the fortress of Blidaru, the Roman bridge across the Danube, and Trajan’s Forum and Column in Rome. Also important to the film is the work of noted artist Radu Oltean who crafted original illustrations depicting Dacian and Roman battle encounters.