Hai la joaca! Let’s play!



Dragi prieteni, 
Asociația Romanilor din New England va invita la joaca!  Toti copiii insotiti de parinti si/sau bunici sunt invitati la parcul John J Lane in Natick, Simbata 6 Noiembrie intre ora 2:30 si 5:00 pm.  Speram ca intilnirea sa apropie copiii din comunitatea noastra, poate chiar sa ii incurajeze sa practice putin limba romana.   Voluntarii nostri vor da startul jocurilor Baba Oarba, V-ati-ascunselea, Tara Tara Vrem Ostasi.  Planuim sa aducem baloane si sa facem facepainting. Adresa parcului este: 

John J. Lane Park

185 Speen St

Natick, MA 01760
In caz de ploaie vom amina pentru week-endul urmator.  Detalii vor fi postate pe pagina de Facebook a evenimentului.  Pentru cei care nu au access la Facebook, va rugam sa ne scrieti la info@ar-ne.org pt RSVP.

Mamicile si taticii sunt incurajati sa aduca snacks si drinks pt copii.  Va asteptam cu drag!
Echipa AR-NE
Dear Friends, 
The Association of Romanians in New England invites the children to a playdate!  Meet us at John J Lane Park on Saturday November 6th between 2:30 and 5:00 pm.  We encourage our kids to practice speaking Romanian at the playground.  Our Volunteers will lead them into playing some well loved Romanian games such as Baba Oarba, V-ati-ascunselea, Tara Tara Vrem Ostasi.  Baloons and Facepainting will also be available. Please note that parents and/or grandparents should be with the children at all times.  The park’s address is:

John J. Lane Park

185 Speen St

Natick, MA 01760
In the event of rain we will postpone the playdate for the following week-end.  More details can be found on the Facebook event, on AR-NE’s Facebook page. For those who do not use Facebook, please contact us at info@ar-ne.org to RSVP. 

Moms and dads, please bring snaks and drinks for your kids.  Looking forward to seeing you on the playground!
AR-NE team